Mixin Helpers

Huomautus comes with some helpers for mixin generation.

Setting up mixins.json

Your mixins.json should point to the package name you specified with mixins added, as this is where the generated mixin objects will be.

"package": "green.sailor.mc.testmod.generated.mixin"


Kotlin cannot be used directly with Mixins, so a pattern emerges which consists of writing the actual mixin class in Java and the implementation elsewhere in Kotlin. Huomautus can automate this, by writing your Mixin entirely in Kotlin and auto-generating a Java bridge.

import green.sailor.mc.huomautus.annotations.MixinImpl
import net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.TitleScreen
import org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.injection.At
import org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.injection.Inject
import org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.injection.callback.CallbackInfo

object MixinMinecraftClient {
    @Inject(at = [At(value = "HEAD")], method = ["init()V"])
    fun injectInit(info: CallbackInfo) {
        println("Hello, world!")

This will generate a Java class that simply calls MixinMinecraftClient.injectInit automatically with the same params as you specify in your function.


In @Inject and other similar annotations, you need to use the array literal format for some fields instead of just the literal, due to differences in annotation handling between Java and Kotlin.


Only methods are supported with MixinImpl. Shadowed fields are unsupported.


@GenerateExtensions can be added to an accessor interface to automatically generate extension properties for that class, avoiding the need to cast.

public interface MinecraftClientAccessor {
    int getFpsCounter();

Then, in some other class:

println("FPS: ${MinecraftClient.getInstance().fpsCounter")

If only a getter is provided, these extensions are val properties; if a setter is provided too, then these properties will be var properties.